Strategic Pillars
Think Tank
To develop BIPP as a internationally recognised think tank we need renowned economist, broaden our research areas and need to work for sustainable development in economic, social, environmental dimensions. The objectives of this component are to
- Develop strategies to improve the performance of institute
- Promote constructive debate and analysis on policy issues through a global community that builds on existing local and regional networks.
- Find, research, and share strategies and technologies that facilitate collaborative work and information sharing among public policy research organizations and other institutions around the world.
- Promote interdisciplinary dialogue among think tanks, policymakers, and members of civil society to explore how the sustainability of think tanks can play a crucial part in civil societies. Institute will use following key instruments for the communication of Thin Tank
- A discussion forum to share better practices in the area of research—become more resourceful in terms of interaction with senior researcher and economist.
- A platform to engage policymakers and members of civil society in the process of forming policy.
- A virtual global think tank that will allow collaboration, sharing information, and the transferring policies and policy-proposals among other Think Tanks.
Research and Consultancy
Research and consultancy is the core function of Institute of Public policy. The objectives of this component are to:
- Produce knowledge-based, practical and effective research that will firmly focus on public policy perspective of solving economic-world problems.
- Address the key public policy issue of the time and give policy advise on it
- Get affiliation with national and international academic institutes, research and public policy institutes and provides an opportunity to recruit the brightest minds in and outside of Pakistan.
- Publishing research papers in high impact factor international journals in order to get recognition in the international circle of academia and researchers.
- Develop its own journal to publish the cutting edge research in area of economics.
- Disseminate the impact evaluation of policy acts in a language understandable to general public
- Develop a strategy to hunt down new projects
- Handle all official communication and correspondence in a professional way
BIPP will use following major instruments for communication and dissemination of research and consultancy.
- Seminars at which the researchers will present findings and policy recommendations in the presence of audience and concerned officials from government departments.
- Research workshops at which the researchers will share their thoughts with an invited group of persons from both public and private sectors in order to excite debate on issues that are critical for economy and require a great deal of scholarship.
- Publications of annual reports, to portray independent view of conditions of the economy; policy papers, to give policy recommendations on issues of importance; and monographs.
- Active liaison with the press to broadcast news and where possible make headlines.
Education and Learning
Education and learning is a crucial component, which aims at transforming IPP into most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based Think Tank. Currently there is no education and learning system in IPP but will work from scratch to insure continuous development of its staff members through education and learning. The main objectives of education and learning are to: Improve the skills and creativity of the researchers Enhance productivity and capacity building Institute will use following key instruments for the communication of Education and learning Arrange training sessions Attend seminar and training sessions arranged by other institute to improve our analytical skills and productivity Arrange seminars to allow economic researchers from other institutions, to present work and receive feedback, and generate new ideas for research.
Knowledge Management
To develop knowledge hub, Institute will take the following steps:
- Develop a virtual library in which we put our publications, research papers, data sets so that any interest group can access.
- Publish monthly magazine to inform other organizations about our key activities and publications
- To remain up-to-date on the current issues in national and international setting, staff must have regular meetings and share important news leads and current developments taking place in the area of economic research and public policy.
- Develop and maintain database of economic vital statistics
Business Development and Advocacy Wing
The Business Development and Advocacy wing at the Shahid Javed Burki Institute of Public Policy at NetSol (BIPP) is constituted with an aim to achieve the following foremost objectives:
- Inform strategic plans of donor organizations with a view to make them more inclusive, pragmatic and implementable.
- Assist donor organizations in localizing development agenda with an object of making it more specific and relevant to local political, social and economic realities.
- Steering the incoming funds from IGO’s and international donors to areas that experience serious development dysfunctions and lack evidence-based policy formulation.
- Develop TORs for international donor organizations with a focus on localizing the international development agendas like the SDGs and the MDGs and collaborating with donor agencies to ensure their objectives are contextually correct and increasingly doable and achievable.
- Identifying projects through Request for Proposals (RFPs) that are (i). Biddable and ii). Aid in developing BIPP’s organizational capacity for the long-term.
- Enact competitive proposals and RFP responses Coordinate and manage donor/client relationships through proactive engagement and liaison.
- Integrate with BIPP’s Research and Consultancy wing for effective and timely management and completion of secured projects.
BIPP Organogram