Shahid Najam
Vice Chairman -Member Board of Directors
Mr. Najam is the Vice Chairman of BIPP. He has four Masters including LLM and MSc. Public Policy form London School of Economics, UK and MSc. Rural Development from Wye College London. He has more than 39 years of experience (17 years with Government of Pakistan and more than 22 years with the UN System) in policy and strategy formulation; development planning and programming ; and implementation of large scale programmes for sustainable development. He joined the Pakistan Administrative Services in 1974 and held important assignments including Commissioner Lahore Division (1999-2001). As the first Chief Operating Officer, he made key contribution in establishing the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade in August 2009. Mr. Najam worked with the UN system on senior positions including Chief of Management Support Services covering 133 Decentralized Offices (2002-2007), FAO Representative, Iran (2007-2009) and Resident Coordinator/Resident Representative of the UN system in Turkey (2009-2013). He led the formulation and implementation of UN Development Cooperation Strategy for Turkey (2011-2014), a pioneer initiative in the world to reposition UN system in the Middle Income Countries. He was also instrumental in establishing the UNDP Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development.